French Bulldog Mixed With Beagle: 101 Info (Frengle!)

French Bulldog Mixed With Beagle – Frengle is a crossbreed of two dogs, the French bulldog, and the beagle. This mixed breed is said to have originated in the United States. However, today Frengles are becoming very famous all over the world. This designer dog inherits characteristics from both parents. When noticed closely, a Frengle resembles in part both its’ parents, the French bulldog, and the beagle. 

The similarities can be observed distinctly in the appearance and temperaments of Frengles. Usually, dogs are crossbred so that the offspring inherits the positive feature of parents, but how the puppy will turn out cannot be predicted in advance. Each crossbreeding yields a new and different type of puppy. Although some traits are common in all Frengles some minor differences in behavior and appearance can be detected.

Frengles are short stature and can be carried about easily. They are very friendly and love socializing. If you live in an apartment or a house with limited space, Frengles can prove to be the best companion for you. They love to interact with their owners and dislike being self alone. Not only do they love socializing with humans but they are extremely well-behaved and friendly towards other dogs as well.

They have a low resistance towards solitude. A Frengle puppy will cost you around $200 to $800. You can also adopt a puppy or a young Frengle from different non-profit organizations. Crossbred dogs have specific and unique needs. So, if you want a Frengle, prepare yourself to face unpredictable situations.

Dietary needs of Frengles

French Bulldog Mixed With Beagle

A Frengle puppy should be provided with a balanced diet. Make sure you include proper proportions of the macronutrients. As a growing puppy, it is best to include more proteins than carbohydrates or fats. If you are feeding your pet dog food, select the brand that includes more protein in their product. You can also feed homemade food to your pet. This is an easy way to monitor the exact amount of nutrients your dog is consuming every day.

Beagles and French bulls dogs often end up overeating and develop obesity along with other health complications. Therefore, it is important to keep a track of how much your Frengle is eating every day and how many treats you should give your pet in a day. Do not cut back on carbohydrates or fats too much because Frengles are usually very active and they require a lot of energy to function throughout the day. Extremely low quantities of fats in the diet may lead your puppy to become lazy or unhealthy.

Note down the products that your dog is allergic to and avoid those items. Different Frengles have different types of allergies. Try to find a healthy substitute for the items your dog is allergic to.

Training and Grooming Frengles

French Bulldog Mixed With Beagle

Frengles are very enthusiastic and playful. How long you allow them to play or engage in activity impacts their psychological health. If you want your pet to be happy and cheerful it is best to let them play outdoor games for at least 30 minutes every day. You can also engage in indoor activities with your puppy for 30 to 45 minutes every day. Take your Frengle out on a walk, play fetch, or teach them tricks. They love playing with their owners and are happier when they exercise with their owners rather than their trainers.

Frengles are not always the easiest to train. They can be quite stubborn and arrogant. You have to be patient with them and motivate them. They respond better to their owners than trainers. Try to use positive reinforcement techniques with your Frengle and avoid harsh punishments. It may take some time for your pet to master socialization skills, however, once they get the hang of it, they learn rapidly.

Behavior or Temperament of Frengles

Frengles are very social and love being around kids and children. They are cute, smushy, and very adorable. They love cuddling and respond very well to physical touch. They do not bark unnecessarily and only show aggressive behavior when they face an emergency. A Frengle can spend hours just sitting on your lap.

They always expect people to them and will draw your attention purposely with their gorgeous puppy eyes. They are extremely sensitive to scents. They can smell objects from miles away and often start chasing a specific scent. 

A Frengle is extremely loyal and dedicated to its owner. They will protect every member of the family and will love them unconditionally. They show a high level of attachment to their owners and are always looking forward to saving their owners from potential threats.

Sometimes, Frengles can be quite arrogant and stubborn, especially when it comes to potty training. Your pet may give you a hard time but you have to be patient and consistent with them. Some Frengles also hate bath time; however, they are likely to agree to it if their owner is present.

Health Complications and Life Expectancy

Crossbreeding often leads to several health problems. Sometimes the offspring inherits the negative or harmful characteristics from both its parents. Make sure you take your pet to a pet often to avoid any severe damage to health. The most common problem is obesity. If you notice your dog gaining weight, talk to a trainer, and increase the duration of the exercise.

Frengles also suffer from hypothyroidism and dwarfism. This condition does now allow the puppy to grow in size and it becomes shorter, lighter, and weaker than other Frengles. Make sure you conduct proper research about the parent dogs before buying a Frengle. Other common health problems include deficiency in hearing or vision, allergies, and epilepsy. Brachycephalic syndrome is another serious health concern.

Though some medication is available for these problems, the life expectancy is often cut down by 2 to 3 years. A Frengle usually lives for 12 to 15 years. Some healthy offspring may live for a few more years. Most of their health complications are inherited from their parents.

If you’re not interested in the French Bulldog mixed with Beagle, you can try checking out the types of bulldogs:

If you’re not sure whether to bring home a bulldog through a breeder or shelter, maybe this might help: